Δευτέρα 5 Ιουλίου 2010

AMERICANISM AND GLOBALIZATION. The economics of fear and decay


The economics of fear and decay

(Short summary)

(Essay on the social functions and the economical side effects of fear, as well as on the role of the Left Party under conditions of Globalization)

By Dr Kostas D Lambos

During the last century, the natural fear -which used to be an individual, biological and occasionally live saving alarm- has been converted to a global live-killing nightmare with a greed for power.

We are not any longer afraid to face the danger or save our lives, but we are continuously and systematically threatened and intimidated.
We become frightened in order to submit ourselves. We become frightened to control ourselves. We become frightened to let ourselves be exploited, in order for the rich to become richer to our detriment. Finally we become frightened to constantly fear every master. We already live for a long time in the age of fear, we live in a fear civilization.
But why and who are we afraid of ? I think this question can be answered only by the hitherto existing history of mankind. At the same time, however, I believe that this situation is not and it should not be the destiny or the future of mankind.

Therefore, we try with this book to analyze the relationships between fear and power, wealth, poverty and decline. We examine all kinds of fear. The small, the large as well as the very large ones, i.e. from the world-fears up to the new-liberal fear for globalization. And we will examine it from all sides. Internal and external. Generally and particularly.
Why are we concerned with the investigation of fear? We do it simply in order to overcome the fear. So that we do not any longer fear any supremacy. Anything and anybody, even the fear itself. In order to learn to live freely and happily together, without fear.
Read this book if you have a fear, even if it is a fright or phobia, of life, death, God, war, “big brother”, Pax Americana, “strangers”, employer, “Spiegel”, one’s own shadow and last but not least of poverty, future, liberty, injustice and particularly the small and/or the big, legal or illegal Mafia, which ruin our lives unrestrained and systematically and if you have to suggest something better, then don’t keep it only for yourself. Discuss it, protest, claim, resist and begin immediately to dream of a better and fairer world and fight for it.
You can even try immediately, as humans of tomorrow and not yesterday’s, to live in this new world as much consciously as possible. But do it from today on and don’t wait for tomorrow, because tomorrow will be yesterday the day after tomorrow. Therefore hurry up to live without fear, free and happy and with a lot of creative pathos for the future.

Brief summary of the content and the structure of this book:
Fear and economics: Here are investigated the relationships between fear and power, the socio-economic functions, as well as its consequences, like hunger, thirst, war and environmental disaster of mankind which remains under globalization conditions.
Fear and distribution of the world wealth: The Americanism, as fear of the globalization and/or of the Pax Americana and their role in the distribution of the world wealth, as well as the fear of anti-Americanism, and/or the world-wide resistance against Americanism is examined here.
Some side effects of the fear for the redistribution of the income in Greece: The most important faces of the Greek “mafia economic system” and its side effects to a further redistribution of the poor-family income in favour of day-to-day Mafiosi, which arouse, organize and administrate fear, are examined here.
The fear of the law: This chapter is concerned with the nature of the civil legislation, its embodied fear and structural force, as well as with the consequences of these “unfair justice” and/or “fair injustice”.
The fear of liberty: A try is given here to highlight the historically caused fear that the humans have of something that is new, of the future and of freedom.
Fight for a new universal Humanism: The answer to the fear: An attempt is made here to describe a way out of that central and enormous structured civilization of fear and/or of the “Civilization of Death”, to the glocal (global+local)-structured universal Humanistic culture, a culture without fear, the "culture of the socialized mankind".

A book free of fear, courageously, realistically and convincingly documented.

Publisher: PAPAZISIS PUBLICATIONS, Athens 2009, Greece

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